Monday, June 1, 2009

The Amazing NCCIL

The NCCIL is the National Center for Children's Illustrated Literature, and it is located in beautiful Abilene, Texas.  I have to say that there is just no place quite like the NCCIL.
I'd like to even call it Extraordinarily Unique.  A true gem right there in big ol' Texas!

Recently, the NCCIL featured Robert Sabuda and Matthew Reinhart in a pop-up exhibition centered around some of their most well known titles. Giant life-size pops from Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland (photo below), Wizard of Oz and Dinosaurs shared space with framed original art. Up on one wall, there was even a four-foot tiger from Jungle Book ready to pounce on any unsuspecting visitors. 

  This pop was huge, and so much fun to see close-up.  Robert shared that their intention for this spread in the book was to create a pop creation that gave the feeling of the cards flowing
through the air - and that is exactly how it comes across - especially when larger than life!

A truly magical time for everyone who attended this event!  This exhibition will tour throughout our great country ~ so, click here and see if it is coming to your area ~  !

1 comment:

Laura Zarrin said...

That's amazing. I wish I could go see it. Can't tell if it's coming here.


Sketch of Latisha, talented cousin of little Jack.


These images are finishes from "The Tale of Jack Frost" book. Release date is November 2008.