Saturday, February 6, 2010

Envelope Embellishing Fun

Guess I see every envelope as a blank canvas... so here are a couple of envelopes embellished before they headed out into the world, on their way to their intended destination.  Make some fun today -- whether paying bills or sending a card to a friend... doodle or rubber stamp up something on the envelope you send out ~ Just do it! =0)


  1. Oh I love your envelopes Priscilla! So bright and pretty. I like your idea, you've given me an idea to do something productive today! Sending my mother a card in the mail even though we talk every day :o)

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you, Molly! It's so great to hear you'll be embellishing your envelope today! Please share if you don't mind- I would love to see what you create!

  3. These are lovely, Priscilla! I always treasure the mail from friends that have been decorated in this way.

  4. Thank you, Christina! and I just know your designs are wonderful for your friends!

  5. Every once and a while I'll draw a flower on an envelope- you have inspired me to think BIG! Thank you!!!

  6. I love your illustrations. I was looking through an early childhood resource book (Introducing Concepts at Circle Time) and saw that you illustrated the book. Here's a link to my blog where you can see samplings of the cards I make using mostly rubber stamps, but also some digital images. I'd love to craft with some of your images sometime, especially the children ones.

  7. Shelly!
    Thank You SO much for your comment you left here!

    I'm following your blog now - the cards you've created are SO beautiful and creative!

    Please do share if you ever use my images - i'd love to see what you create! Long ago i did design rubber stamps, and have a goal of doing so once again!

    Again, Thank You!
