Friday, May 21, 2010

Children's Book Creators, Take Note!

Along with other great programs for creatives, I love passing along information that is specifically designed for illustrators and writers of children's books!  (Go here to read more about this great passion of mine)  =0)
One incredible opportunity to check into for yourself, or someone you know who might be interested, and could benefit from this, is the Mentor Program offered through the Nevada SCBWI.  
                           Some past participants of this program share. . .

The mentor program far exceeded my expectations. This was a life-changing experience for me. Without this program, my manuscript would be mouldering in the drawer.   - Andrea Mock, 2008.
Loved it, loved it, loved it! It broadened my writing world 100 fold - geographically, by networking and meeting amazing writers and illustrators, and by giving me incredible support and feedback on a project very close to my heart.   -  Fran Slayton, 2006

Daddy All Day Long", written by Francesca Rusackas, illustrated by Priscilla Burris (HarperCollins) 


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  2. What a great idea! I wish NE SCBWI had a mentor program too!
